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Klingon/Prononciacion del klingon

Un article de Wikilibres.

La part màger dels sons del klingon presenta de similaritats amb los de la lenga anglesa per encausa de son origina; pasmens s'i fan sentir tanben d'excepcions notablas. Dins un cèrt nombre de cases, lo locutor deu levar la lenga mai naut o mai enrè qu'en anglés; per tal de produire un q Klingon, per exemple, los locutors devon pull la lenga as far into the back de la boca as possible. New speakers may find unes d'aquestes sons de mal articular, coma per exemple amb de sons complèxes coma tlh and especially in context. La seccion seguenta vos presenta aqueles sons en contèxt amb qualques mots klingon tricky; you should master aqueles mots abans continuing on further with la lenga klingona.



For most consonantas, lo parlaire garda holds la lenga slightly farther back qu'en anglés. As such, lo 'd' sona un pauc mai heavier, e la -s ven a cross entre an English 's' e 'sh', un pauc coma la -s- de qualques varietats occitanas, catalanas e espanhòlas.

La 'h' del Klingon es similara a la del mot ebrèu "Hanuka" with a raspy h. The 'H' is more overdone. Lo 'q' sounds just like a 'k' en anglés, but due a la lenga behind held farther back, it sounds heavier (coma la d). A 'Q' is a very overdone 'q'.

Letra AFI Prononciacion
b /b/ coma dins l'anglés ban
ch /ʧ/ coma dins l'anglés church
D /ɖ/ as with the English d; but place the tip of your tongue behind the hard part of the roof of your mouth instead of behind las dents.
D /ɳ/ coma dins lo suedés Vänern (an allophone of the above consonant)
gh /ɣ/ coma dins l'anglés g and h at the same time; speak with the tongue pulled back.
H /x/ as Scots loch or the musical composer Bach. Lift the back of your tongue and then force a puff of air out of your throat.
j /ʤ/ as English judge
l /l/ as English lung, never velarized as English gull
m /m/ as English man
n /n/ as English nan
ng /ŋ/ as English ring; never as in angle
p /pʰ/ as English pan, but accompanied by a puff of air not only in word initial positions, but in all positions (aspirated)
q /qʰ/ as Arabic Qur'an, but aspirated - like the English k, but with the tongue further back, and accompanied by a puff of air
Q /q͡χ/ occurs in Nez Percé, Wolof and Kabardian - similar to the above q, but harder and louder. To produce this, place the back of your tongue far back into your mouth; then force the air out harshly.
r /r/ trilled as in Spanish rojo
S /ʂ/ somewhere between the English s and sh. Produce an English sh sound, but with the tongue in the position used for the Klingon D /ɖ/ sound.
t /tʰ/ as English tan, but accompanied by puff of air not only in word initial positions, but in all positions (aspirated)
tlh /t͡ɬ/ as Nahuatl Nahuatl - similar to the English pronunciation of tl, but accompanied by an exhalation. Say an English t while exhaling an l.
v /v/ as English van
w /w/ as English wash
y /j/ as English yes
' /ʔ/ glottal stop, as between the vowels of uh-oh



Be mindful de la diferéncia entre las letras I e l. Lo klingon es case-sensitive and does not use a lower-case i; as these letras appear similar on many sans-serif fonts, l'emplec d'una serif font may make reading a little easier.

Letra AFI Prononciacion
a /ɑ/ Sounds coma "ah" en anglés; ex: spa (never short like jab).
e /ɛ/ Sounds like "eh" in anglés; ex: egg.
I /ɪ/ Sounds like a short "i" in anglés; ex: in. Occasionalament takes the "ee" sound, pasmens when this happens and why is unknown.
o /o/ as in mow, o know.
u /u/ Like a long u in anglés; ex: prune (never short like butt)